Prices of split unit air conditioners
- 1 HP air conditioners (N51,000 - N54,000)
- 1.5 HP air conditioners (56,000 Naira - 68,000 Naira)
- 2 HP air conditioners (78,000 NGN - 86,000 NGN)
Prices of Window air conditioners
- 1 HP air conditioners (N43,000)
- 1.5 HP air conditioners (51,000 Naira)
- 2 HP air conditioners (60,000 Naira)
Prices of Floor standing air conditioners
- 2 HP Floor AC (N120,000 - N130,000)
- 3 HP Floor AC (N185,000 - N195,000)
Some popular brands of air conditioners in Nigeria include Haier Thermocool air conditioners, Panasonic air conditioners, LG air conditioners, Samsung air conditioners, Kingsmen air conditioners, Midea air conditioners, Newclime air conditioners, Airflow air conditioners, and so no. Brands like General Electric (GE), Amana, Whirlpool, Sharp air conditioners, and so on are popular in US and UK.
Note also that prices may vary depending on your location in Nigeria. It will be cheaper in major cities or port cities in Nigeria like Lagos, Port Harcourt, Onitsha, etc.
Prices provided are average prices and are not guaranteed they are only provided to give you an idea of A/C prices in Nigeria.
To find current prices of air conditioners in Nigeria, visit or call a distributor/dealer close to you. Our air conditioners dealer list may be useful in this regard.
Visitors from other countries like the US and UK can visit the Amazon online store
Very useful info. Hope to see more posts soon!.